Friday, May 18, 2007

Bessie and Bear had their litter

Bessie is due to have her puppies in six days. This morning her guardian mom called and said maybe it would be best if she brought Bessie here today, this morning. She said the other dogs are very interested in her (Bessie's) bottom, and she is not wanting to come out of the crate. I said that would be fine, that I have to errands to run so how about if you bring her in about three hours. She said about if we don't wait that long. So, I skip the extra errands and just take Jill to school and come right back. The guardian dad brought Bessie over and didn't stay very long. As soon as he left I looked under Bessie's tail. ACK...there was a bulging sac! She is having her puppies right now! I quick-like ushered her in to the bathroom and grabbed my whelping bag. We settled in right away to have the puppies. ... um... We waited. ... Nothing happened. That is not good. The fluid in the sac was a dark greenish. The sac began to droop. That was really not good. I called the vet's office and said I was bringing in a whelping emergency. We hurried to the vet and just as I was backing the van in the (my) parking spot at the vet's office, Bessie let out a yelp and had the puppy. A beautiful brindle girl that was obviously dead. There was no reviving to be done. She was also premature. uh oh, this is really not good. I ran in the vet's office real quick to let them know what was going on and that I was taking Bessie back home. That was 1:30 p.m. We went back home and got Bessie settled in the masterbathroom.
#2 At 3:23 p.m. she had a dark brindle colored boy. He weighed 9 ounces was just fine. He has several tiny white spots going down his chest like buttons, and tiny white on his chin, nose, and toes on his back feet.
#3 3:35 p.m. light brindle girl born dead; I tried to revive her but she wouldn't come around.
#4 4:35 p.m. boy, 7.4 ounces, black, white crest. Tiny and weak.
#5 7:30 p.m. boy 9.5 ounces, black with a white chest and stripe to stomach, white mouth and chin, strong.
That seemed to be it. She didn't feel like she had any more in her. After a couple of hours I went to bed.
#6 at 2:30 in the morning I heard a commotion from the bathroom. I went in there and at first didn't see anything out of place. I did a quick pup count and saw there were four pups. There was another brindle boy, light in color, white chest 7.2 ounces and very weak and cold. They were all cold and not doing well.
#7 2:35 girl beautiful light brindle born dead. Tried to revive her but she wouldn't come around.
#8 5:30 a.m. girl (how can this be? she didn't look/feel like she had any more) born dead, very beautiful light brindle, her whole underside was white as were her feet. She still had pink around the edges which means it appears she had just died. I worked on her for 23 minutes trying to revive her. She just wouldn't "wake up".

Poor poor Bessie was also trying to revive her pups. She would snatch them right out of my hands as if saying "it's o.k., I've got it", put them on the floor, nudge them and paw at them, all the while whimpering.

All in all she had four girls and four boys. The girls were all born dead.

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