Friday, April 18, 2008

The Puppies Are Here!

I'm so excited! Today was a great day. The bummer thing was I had to work from 5:00 a.m. (I have to get up at 3:00 a.m. - have I whined about that lately?) until 6:00 p.m. Today sometime in the afternoon Ally called to announce we have a puppy girl! I was excited but feeling helpless because I was stuck at work. She said Francie had been up all night trying to dig and nest. A little bit ago she took Francie in the bathroom and encouraged her lay down. Ally went back about 5 or 10 minutes later and was surprised to see a perfect puppy. Francie had done it all herself and hadn't even cried or complained about it. What a woman!

Michelle and I hurried on over to Lincoln Manor as soon as I got off work. On the way there, Kingston's guardian mom called to announce that he and Tinkerbelle had a successful breeding via Artificial Inemination at the vet's office today!! yeah hurray I'm sooo excited...I'm sooo going to keep one of those puppies for myself. I'm sooo excited...did I already say that?

So anyway...Francie had already had 3 puppy girls by the time we got there. We got to see 6 more be born. I loved it. This was the first time Michelle has seen pups born. She was digging it too. Francie had 6 girls and 3 boys, all apricot. I'm really surprised they are all apricot. All seem healthy too.
Can you believe I didn't take my camera? Thank goodness Michelle had her cell phone camera.

Tucker's guardian was there for the birthing party too. It was fun. We had Pizza. I love pizza. I love having puppies too. Put the two together while we are all crammed in the bathroom together and it is a fun party. I'm being serious, not sarcastic.

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