Thursday, July 03, 2008

It is all coming back to me

This morning I got up at 5:30, let the pups out, cleaned up the crate (it wasn't too horribly bad), did a load of laundry, had breakfast, got ready for work, got Jill up and ready, brought the pups back in and put them in the crate, and left. Michelle text a couple hours later asking how long the pups are going to be with us. Uh oh, that is not a good sign. She asked who the spokesperson of the litter is. Apparently one of the pups has been barking and whining nonstop since I brought them back inside. I came home for lunch, let the pups outside, cleaned up their area, ate a really quick lunch and brought them back in. It was raining so they weren't too excited to go out in the yard. Doesn't it figure...we spent all that time last night bathing the pups and now they are a muddy mess already. I really wanted to get some good pictures of them today looking all fluffy and adorable. After work I ran home and let them back out for just a little bit. We had to hurry and go to Chesterfield to pick up Carol. She was spayed today. It is a long way from my house now. I haven't been there for a long time, but I still have it. As soon as they handed Carol to me, I lifted her up, glanced at her belly and said "that is a Dr Baker incision". I was right. There are four vets there and I can tell all their surgery styles apart. Carol was a good girl and slept all the way home.
The pups did a little better this evening and didn't cry or whine as much.

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