Thursday, February 22, 2007

Mack Truck

Three more of Mera's puppies were spayed/neutered today. I dropped them
off in the morning and told them I'd be back in the afternoon. Shortly
after I got home, oh man, a ton of bricks fell on me or something. I
got really sick really quick. So didBryony . My neck and throat hurt
and everything hurt. Even the air hurt my skin. I had to go to bed I
was miserable. My new helper came over to clean and play with pups,
thank goodness. I managed to crawl out of bed long enough to call the
vet and arrange to pick up the pups tomorrow, and called my sister for
her to pick up Jill from school. I remember taking a few calls but only
vaguely remember what they were about. A couple were puppy inquiries. I
hope I didn't sound stupid or drugged. I'm only taking Ibuprofen, nothing potent.

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