Saturday, May 17, 2008

We are still in Chicago. This has been a nice vacation. Did I mention that we had to bring Colonial Stink with us? There is no Chamelon boarding facility around. He is very quiet, doesn't stink (despite his name) and he doesn't need walked. Michelle put up some fake leaves on a lamp in the hotel room, left that lamp on all time, and put Stink up on it. It has worked out very well.

This coming week we need to get better pictures of Francie and Chevy. I'm seriously considering getting them professionally groomed and professionally photographed. The quality of the parents photo on the website makes a big difference in how marketable the puppies are. Despite how cute the puppies are, I'm finding it difficult to get deposits on Francie and Chevy's puppies. I know it is because their pictures are not very good.

O.k., back to the vacation now. It is after 11:00p.m. and I've spent most of the day updating the website and diary.

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