Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Let the altering begin

The first of Lacey and Da Vinci's puppies was neutered today. They seem so little but they are six weeks old now. Just one, Miles, went from that litter. The last one from Bessie and Bear's went with him and was also neutered.

Speaking of Bessie and Bear's litter, that was kind of a wash-out. Out of eight puppies: the four girls were born dead, two of the boys are funny looking and shed, one I traded/gave away, one I am able to sell. That is a $5976.00 litter, not including food, toys, what I pay Liuda, and all the other expenses. That is what I paid for Bessie and Bear, minus what I'm getting for Bear (he is going to a new home), and what I'm paying for the neutering and microchips. I'm getting $1500 for the one puppy. We win some we lose some. Now that I am on my own I can't afford to lose like this. Have I said lately how much I hate it when people look at me like I crawled out from under a rock when they find out how much my puppies are? I'd like to ask them how much they make and tell them they are insane for that.

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