Friday, July 27, 2007

Oopsie, I forgot

All the kitties, including my sister's Zac the cat (whom I also rescued from the shelter three years ago. He was also too tiny and sickly and wasn't doing well. I fixed him up and he has been happily living with my sister ever since), had appointments with the vet today. At 10:30 I double checked my date book to see if the appointment was for 11 or 11:30. Oops, it was for 10:00. I called and rescheduled for Monday. I really hate that. The babies are so tiny and one is losing weight.
Zac the cat right before moving to my sister's house three years ago. Velvet is such a good girl.

On a happier note, BB went to his new family today. We are using the bartering system. Somebody called about a puppy, submitted an application, and we emailed back and forth several times. I happened to notice on her email tag line is the name of the company she works for. I am in the market for the product that company deals with. We are trading.

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