Thursday, July 19, 2007

Mera didn't do it this time

Lacey is always acting like she is just going to starve to death. I find myself caving in and giving her my leftovers (in her bowl, never out of my hands or on my plate). Well, yesterday I put a roast in the crockpot before I went to work. I totally forgot about it and on my way home from work I stopped at Wendy's and picked up supper. I ended up giving Lacey the roast. Boy did I ever pay for it. The only carpet she was able to get to was my bedroom. She went out of her way to go in my room and had diarrhea on my carpet. Peeeyouuuuuueeee. That was nasty. I opened the window and put a fan in front of it to try to blow the stink out. Oops, Fabuki the cat jumped out the window. Oh well, he has escaped a couple of times before and was always back within a day or two.

So what does Mera have to do with this? I used to write about every little thing she did. It seemed like she got blamed for everything. She is spending the week with us but she didn't do this.

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