Saturday, January 27, 2007

I shoulda done it myself

Dangit! Every single dew-claw-hole whatever you want to call it, is infected in Ashes' litter. All the pups have infections. They are swollen and nasty, poor little things. I took pictures, but I'll spare you. I wasn't real thrilled with something the vet does when he removes the claws. I noticed it when he was first showing me how to do it when I was just starting out. He did it again the other day for Ashes pups. He has this jar of styptic powder that he uses. He just opens it and dabs a q-tip in it to put on the fresh wound to stop the bleeding. ...but...he uses the same bloody q-tip for all the pups and dabs the same bloody swab in the jar. That is terrible cross contamination. Who knows what horrible kooties he is putting on those newborn baby feet. As badly as I hate removing them myself, out of all the ones I've done I only had one infection. Even that one wasn't bad enough to require a trip to the vet. I had to take these guys to the vet today and now they are on antibiotics. They are fussy (of course) and not gaining weight very well. They should have nearly doubled their weight by now, but haven't even come close.

Mera's puppies are cows. They are so big already.

Today was the first day any of them showed interest in the big dog food.
Mera is giving a lesson on eating solid food.

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