Tuesday, June 10, 2008

My credibility

Oh my, it seems my credibility has been compromised. Yup, someone emailed me to let me know that I have a picture of newborn puppies in a shoe on my website and that takes away from my credibility. She knows this because she and her family are interested in getting a Labradoodle and have read that breeders need to keep visitors away because they bring kooties in on their shoes. Here is the picture
I remember when I took this picture. I was so excited because I just received my first pair of Crocs in the mail. I opened the box, looked at the shoes, and had the bright idea of putting the pups in them for the picture (didn't even try them on yet). I wanted a way of showing just how small the puppies were. ... and now...after all this time I find out that because visitors can track kooties on shoes, I shouldn't have put pups in a new never worn pair. Hmmm, I can't quite connect those dots.

Bryony, Jill, Michelle, Kristen, and I are in New Orleans (The French Quarters) now.

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