Sunday, June 15, 2008

Opie went home!

Yeah, Opie has a forever family...but man, what a day.

The family was supposed to come before noon. (this is Father's Day and I was kind of thinking about seeing my father who lives a couple hours away) Noon came and went and I didn't hear from them. I'm such a chicken when it comes to making phone calls. I have telephonaphobia, don't know why, it doesn't make sense, but that is how it is. Liz (Francie's guardian mom who lives at Lincoln Manor) callled for me. They left their house around 2Pm and didn't get here until around 10:00pm. They ran in to some terrible weather. It did get almost tornadoie here. It was really bad. What a horrible, long, slow drive they had. I ended up having to leave before they even got here. It was a school night and I needed to go pick up Jill and take her home. (We live about 45 minutes to an hour from the Lincoln Manor house). So, I bailed out, and Ally and Liz dealt with the family and sent Opie off to start his new life.

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