Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Airport hassle and Velvet is Beautiful

I suppose it was bound to happen, it has been a while since I've had any real problems at the airport (unless you consider a puppy being stranded all night at the airport a problem). I was up half the night packing the crates. When I got to the airport bright and early, they said the crates were too big for the airplane. Gee, just how small is the plane if these two littleish crates won't fit? He said I'd have to get smaller ones. Thank goodness they are in the same building as Continental who sales crates. Thank goodness the Continental guy was not busy. They dysplayed great teamwork. The American Airlines cargo guys and the Continental Airlines Cargo guy all scurried around finding and getting the right crates and bringing them over. I did have to keep running back and forth too. In the end we did it. We got the new crates packed and ready to go and they made their flight. Remember American Airlines and Continental Airlines. While it was great that they were able to sell the crates to me and the puppies didn't have to miss their flight, think of it as doing your grocery shopping at a convenience store. Oooeeee, they were expensive.

Velvet went to the groomer today! It has taken four years for me to finally break down and get her coat clipped. I was always so afraid she would look stupid. She doesn't! She looks really really good. Actually, she looks so much better than before. All this time I have thought she wasn't the best looking doodle on the block (but I do really think she has the best temperment of all). Now she is. She just needed to be trimmed. It was her coat that made her look bad. Wow, she should get groomed more often then every 7 years. I ought to get around to taking her picture.

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