Sunday, April 08, 2007

Pee War

Ugh! Did I mention that Zorro, Roni, and Molly (the 3 rescues) have not been spayed/neutered yet? That means Zorro, Roni, and Bear are all 3 having a pee-war in our house. These are big dogs with big bladders. Bear is the smallest at 50 pounds.

One thing about them being intact good looking dogs with great paperwork, I could keep them for breeding if I wanted. Ha! I'm crazy, but not that crazy. I don't need any great big F1 labradoodle studs. I wouldn't mind keeping Molly, but no, I need to downsize.

Francie, Rosie's daughter from her first litter, started her cycle today. She caught me off guard, wasn't expecting this for a couple more months. I need to make sure Trout, her intended who lives in California, is available.

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