Monday, October 16, 2006

Worms be gone

Today was a day for cleaning cleaning cleaning. Monday's are always the busiest days. I try to take as close as possible to a day off on sundays in order to spend more time with my husband and children.

Today all the puppies and doggies got their deworming medicine. Josie's puppies and the adults got Panacur, and Rosie's pups got Pyran. Yum yum, Pyran smells like banana candy, but it doesn't exactly taste like it. It is labled and dosed for humans, so what the heck, I dewormed myself too. Turns out I didn't have any worms thank goodness. I'm sure I would have fareeaaked out to see something like that. oooo, yuck, quick, change the subject. I miss Duchess.

Mera came over this evening. She is going to spend the night tonight and go to two different vet appointments for annual breeding health testing. I like her.

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