Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Busy busy busy

This morning I took Bryony to her school, then took Jill to her school, then took three of Josie's puppies to the vet. Mira (Josie's puppy) got spayed, and Louis and Luke got neutered. The vet used stronger stitches this time. They will dissolve but it may take several months to do so. The pups did great as always. They were playing and wrestling with each other shortly after I brought them home. I called their families to give them the report.

Da Vinci is getting a last minute job. Remember when I went to be on the Today Show (but due to the London Bombing got pre-empt at the last second while there waiting to go on) and I took Velvet and a couple of puppies? Kami was one of those puppies. She flew up here today from Texas. She is here to breed with either Chevy or Da vinci. She isn't picky. This evening I went to a pet supply store to get her kind of dog food. Ally, Chevy's guardian mom met me there. Ally and I drove over to pick up Liz, Ally's adult daughter and Franci's guardian mom. Liz drove for me and we all went to the airport to pick up Kami. It was fun visiting with them.
Kami sure is a cutie and seemed unfazed by the long time in the crate.
Kami has jet lag. She is the one on the left.
Look, Kami is a Goofadoodle. She is already hanging out in the bay window. I found myself calling her a Goofadoodle. There has only been one other dood I called that on a regular basis and that is Bonnie, Kami's full sister from a different litter.

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