Sunday, October 01, 2006

Partners in Poo

Josie and Rosie are buddies now. They routinely check out each other's babies. It also appears they like to give each other helpful tips. Why just today Josie gave Rosie a wonderful bit of advise. See, Rosie has her favorite poo spot in the living room on the freshly painted floor. Josie, on the other hand, prefers to go in Jill's room. So today Josie says to Rosie "Hey, come here, I want to show you something". They both go in Jill's room and Josie assumes the poo squat and says to Rosie "Look here, see how much more comfortable this nice soft carpet is? Oh, and check this out"...she pees now..."See, no back splash! How awesome is this?" Then Rosie says "Well, I am rather fond of the nice open area of the living room. Plus we really need to be helping Miss Jane out. It doesn't have that nice wonderful doggie poo/pee smell anymore. I do appreciate your tip and certainly will give this a try though. Move over"...she poos/pees now. I walked around the corner just in time to see these two coming out of Jill's room.

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