Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Josie had her puppies

I slept on the bathroom floor with Josie last night. Napped is probably a better word because we sure didn't get much sleep. I go up with her at 3:24 a.m. and took her outside to potty. I knew it was really baby time because she kept standing like she was going to poop, then look surprised/confused, and stood up and circled some more. Just about every new mom I've had has done this. I quickly ushered her back inside to our bathroom and encouraged her to get as comfy as possible on her bedding.
She started pushing at 4:05 a.m.

1) 4:57 a.m. she had a cream boy. He was still tightly attached to Josie for about 15 minutes until the placenta came out. So there he was, not completly born, hanging upside down, and he managed to reach a nipple and start nursing. That is one hardy puppy. I was dying for that 15 minutes because I couldn't see what sex he is. Finally he and the placenta finished being born. Josie's instincts kicked right in. Well, maybe not completely. She did lick him and eat the sac he was in. But...she had a difficult time with it. She was licking and gagging, licking and gagging. She even threw up a couple of times. It seems Ms Josie has a strong gag relex and a weak stomach. She wouldn't touch the placenta or even chew the umbilical cord to separate him from it. I pick up the placenta and put it right in front of her and she looked at me as if to say "Uhh...I don't think so". She did take a couple of tentative licks, gagged, then threw up again. It was the funniest thing. I have never seen a dog not able to stomach the birthing process. I clamped and cut the cord and threw away the placenta. This puppy is really cute and looks like he will have a wool coat. We weighs 12 ounces.

2) 5:26 a.m. chocolate male, pretty much the same routine; lick and gagging, licking and throwing up. Again it took about 15 minutes for the placenta to come out. I had to clamp and cut the cord and throw away the placenta. This is a really cute puppy. He has a white small letter "r" on his chest, white fur on the bottoms of his feet, and a white toe on his rear right paw. The r stands for Ray, Josie and DaVinci's guardian dad. This puppy is shiny and will either have a wool or a fleece coat. He weighs 13.6 ounces.

3) 6:13 a.m. Black female, same routine but not quite as bad. This puppy has a wonderful glossy coat and will be a beautiful wavy-curly fleece girl. She weighs 10.7 ounces.

4) 6:40 a.m. black female, She was attached for a long time too. Her face looked much different from any others I've had. It was pointy but not deformed looking. As soon as she was born I checked the palate. I always do that to check for a cleft. Yep, my heart dropped to the basement. She had a large cleft palate. It was more severe than Ellie's. Like any good mother I had to blame myself. I had Josie's hips and elbows rechecked when she was pregnant. The vet assured me it was safe. Still, I wonder. Another thing I did that I shouldn't have, I put a bark collar on her for the first time when she was four weeks old. I shouldn't have done that. It scared the daylights out of her and she screamed the first time she barked while wearing it. I remember reading someplace that if a dog gets a fright at a certain time during the pregnancy it can cause a cleft palate in a puppy. I can't help but think that is what happened. Anyway, after everything Ellie went through (cleft palate), and everything Baby Junior went through (runty baby), I swore I wouldn't go through that again. I had planned on letting nature take its course. I tried to, I really did. I put her close to Josie so she would get warm.

5) 6:57 a.m. Cream Male - He is really pretty too, another wool coat. He weighs 10.3 ounces. Oh, I just realized Josie ate the placenta. She must have eaten pup #4's placenta too.

6) 7:05 a.m. Chocolate Male - He is beautiful, a wonderful wool or fleece coat. He weighs 8.5 ounces. Josie is eating the sac and placenta with no gagging now.
I keep putting puppy #4 close to Josie to keep warm.

7) 8:00 a.m. Black Male - He has a gorgeous glossy fleece coat. He weigh 11 ounces.

I had to run out to take Jill to school. I'm keeping Bryony home today so she can help me. Luida is not here today (she has only been coming on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays) and I really need the help. Bryony is sitting with Josie to help. Puppy #4 has not been staying warm. Her breathing is not quite right, but she is trying. She is even crying a bit. I think she is really trying to live, I can't let her stay cold. That wouldn't be comfortable for her. I wrapped her up and put her inside my shirt to warm her. I took her with me to take Jill to school. When we were there I showed her to the teacher and students. One of the parents there named the puppy "Starr". O.k., Starr she is. Starr and I raced back home.

8) 8:57 chocolate Male - Another beautiful puppy boy with a wonderful wool or fleece coat. He weighs 12.6 ounces.

9) 11:20 a.m. Gold Female - She also has a wonderful wool or fleece coat. She weighs 12/6 ounces.

Well, Josie is finished and I am absolutely thrilled with this litter. (except for Starr of course) All of the other puppies are big and healthy with beautiful coats. Yes, there aren't very many girls but that doesn't bother me at all. DaVinci saved this litter. If it wasn't for him nailing Josie after the failed attempt to breed her with another stud, she wouldn't have had any puppies. All these beautiful boys are better than no puppies at all.

Anyway, I need to get busy. I have sick puppy to bring to health. Yes, Starr's is more severe than Ellie's, but she can over come it. First we went to the credit union to get some money. The teller there held Starr and said a prayer. Then we went to the store so I could get some goat milk to make some formula to tube her. (oh, of course I have already tube fed her some corn syrup and Normal Saline) Then we went to the animal hospital to pick up Tinkerbelle (the mini multigen Goldendoodle) who just had her hips checked. The vet left a message that Tink has the best hips he has seen lately. Hooray. I handed Starr to the tech and asked her to show the vet. The vet was not in just then, he was out to lunch. Ugh! How could he be out right then? I needed him. Starr needed him.

We rushed home, I made some formula, then tube fed her. I also give her some corn syrup for an extra boost. An hour later I tube fed her again. She just isn't perking up like I would like. I kept listening to her with the stethascope and she seems to have a very poor air exchange. She also isn't maintaining her body temperature. I just have to try harder. I called my regular vet to make sure he could see Starr if I rush her right in.

So, Starr and two of Duchess' puppies and I went to the vet. I had her wrapped up and in my bra to do my best to warm her. By the time we got to the vet, Starr was all but dead. She listened to her and said Starr had aspirated the amniotic fluid and would be dead before we made it out of the office. She was correct. Gosh darn it. The vet also looked at Princessa and Buddy. Princessa has a spot in her spay incision that looks like it might be getting infected. Buddy's toe with the surgery is really swollen. The vet gave (sold) me antiboitics and said they will be just fine.

Jill helped me bury Starr. She kept asking if someone shot the puppy. Guess I better not watch any more Law and Order until after she is in bed.

Holly's guardian mom took her to Chevy's house so they (Holly and Chevy) could mate. The two guardian moms supervised. Holly kept trying to show Chevy what to do, he was interested but just didn't get it done.

Almost forgot, today's vet bills = $724.00.

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