Monday, August 21, 2006

Louis is scheduled to be neutered tomorrow. He is doing really well with using the litterbox. When I was cleaning today I moved the box in another room for a little bit. He went right over to it and peed in it. Good boy. Petula is actually doing well with going outside. The pups went outside several times today for only about 15-20 minutes each time. Each time she peed as soon as she got outside. I've been a bit over protective with this litter and haven't let them outside much at all. I also haven't put them in a crate by themselves much. I don't know...these guys are just sweet little babies and I can't stand to hear them cry. I don't know why that bothers me so much more with these puppies than with the other pups we've had.

Did I ever mention that Lacey and Chevy's hip scores came back good and they are ready to breed, but not together? Next to be tested will be Tinkerbelle the mini Goldendoodle, and Tucker (Rosie's boy).

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