Thursday, August 03, 2006

There are 21 Lincoln Manor breeding dogs, including the puppies that will be breeders. 11 of them have already had their hips, hearts, eyes, and blood tested. 10 are still puppies. In reviewing the testing standards required of the breeders association to which I belong, I realized I didn't have their elbows tested. I use the Pennhip method for the hips and they don't test the elbows. The OFA method can test the elbows, but a dog has to be at least two years old to get an official certificate. Also, if the dog is less than two years old then the OFA x-rays are only read by only one vet instead of three vets. That is a subjective method and the same x-rays could get different scores depending on what vet read them. So, at first I was doing the OFA and Pennhip at the same time. Then I decided the OFA was a waste of time and quit doing it. Now, I realize with great horror, that I need to go back and redo all the testing to include the OFA to get the elbows done. I called around to see if I could get just the elbows done and not have to have the hips retested too. Well, yes...but, it costs the same. For just the OFA hips and elbows and no blood testing or anything extra, it is $273. For Pennhip and OFA it is $466. They also need their annual eye, blood, and thyroid testing. I figured it out and to go back and retest, plus do all the annual tests, and do testing on all the upcoming breeding doods, it is going to cost over $10,000.

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