Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Velvet and Kori to the rescue.
Today Velvet and Kori went to the local Veterinary acute hospital for examinations and blood tests to see if they can join the doggie blood donor program. They are looking for more donors. They don't store blood. When there is a need they call the donor who has already been screened and typed and that donor goes in right away and donates to the recipient. Velvet and Kori did very well. They passed the physical and temperament testing. They had blood drawn and it will be sent out to find out what type it is. They are looking for a certain blood type. We won't know until next week if they will get to be part of the program. I'm so proud of them. We stopped at McDonalds and I got them each a cheeseburger and some french fries. I want them to associate going to that vet and getting poked and prodded with something good.

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