Thursday, November 02, 2006

No puppies

Today was Holly's due date but it came and went and she is still not even looking pregnant. Tuesday when I took Mera
to see the same vet that did Holly's ultra sound, I told him that Holly
doesn't seem pregnant. He said that if she is only having one pup then
she could pop it out without ever looking pregnant or might only start
showing the day before having the pup(s). Great, that got my hopes up.
I emailed her guardian mom to let her know that and to be on the look
out for suddenly enlarged mammery glands. She said still no signs of pregnancy.

Today I finalized all the going-away plans. When I double checked with my husband to make sure he had his end covered - transporting the girls to and from school and a babysitter in case he wanted to go out - he gave me the deer-frozen-in-the-headlights look. Oh my gosh, it is not like he didn't know I'm leaving and it is not like he doesn't know he is a parent too. So, I made all those arrangements too. Jill's birthmom and her husband will be coming over to babysit. This will be the first time for that. I'm so happy they will be part of each other's lives. That topic is for another blog...back to the doods. Liuda will be coming over Friday and Saturday and Jill's birthmom's husband will be coming over Sunday (first time for that) to take care of the dogs and puppies.

Remember when I said somebody from ILA might eventually notice that one entry? Well...somebody noticed.

I didn't get to bed until after midnight thirty or so.

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