Wow, I slept in this morning. No puppy whines, no toddler getting in our bed, no alarm clocks, no husband snoring, no nothing but peace and quiet. We (not the royal we, my apartment mates) couldn't lounge around too long though. The Doodle Romp started at 9:00 a.m. and I was going spastic thinking we might be late. It was a beautiful day. It was perfectly sunny and warm. When we got to the romp I ended up taking off my shoes and going barefoot. I half expected a dog to run off with my Crocs, but they didn't. The romp was really nice. They had a service there with a guy walking around with a pooper scooper picking up the poos right away, very nice.
Here are pictures (not of the pooper scooper):
One of the breeders who helped put this weekend together trains killer whales at Sea World. She had the dog trainer from Sea World come to our romp with his dog and do a demonstration for us. It was really neato. I took their pictures because they are probably famous and I just don't know it.
Here are some breeders and some people (what, like breeders aren't people?)
They gave prizes away and I was a winner! I won a water bottle and Renee won a nice basket of doggie biscuits. We coveted each other's prize so we swapped. I feel badly that I don't know who donated it. I would like to thank them.
After the romp some of us were hungry and wanted to go grab something to eat. I didn't want to leave anybody out, so I went around to each breeder and invited him/her to join us. It was all very last minute. Imagine my delight at the restaurant as eventually almost all of the breeders showed up. It was great. It was so fun seeing in person the people I hang out on the forums with. I would so love to name-drop, but I better not. I don't know how shy some of the other breeders. Hey, if you were there and want to say "hi", feel free to post a comment with your website and email address included. I sat next to Renee. She doesn't come across as being shy. She is hilarious.
After lunch I was supposed to go get my bathing suit on and meet Renee, Karen, and Peggy at the pool. Well, I did get my suit on, wrapped a towel around me and drove off to where I thought the pool was. I saw a sign for the pro shop and was thinking the pool was behind that. The parking lot was nearly full and there were people walking around in nice golfing clothes. Somehow I felt uncomfortable with the idea of walking through an upscale golf shop wearing a bathing suit and towel. This isn't Motel 6. I was disappointed and got depressed and went back to the apartment and went to bed. Ahhhh, that was nice to go to bed in the middle of the day. I took a 2 1/2 hour nap. That was total luxury, but not a luxurous as napping by the pool would have been. I felt badly at standing the others up. I tried.
That evening we went to dinner and listened to two speakers. The first speaker was Dr Arun of the Florida Animal Reproductive Center I learned lots from him. The other speaker was a trainer who told us how/when to train our pups before they go to their new homes. I learned lots from her too. I'd say the weekend was worth it. It was so great to chat with the other breeders. One of the poor breeders got a phone call from home during dinner. His 14 yr old Poodle died unexpectedly.
Here are some pictures from this evening. I won't tell you who they are unless they let me know it is o.k.
Ta Da!
We all lined our cameras up and one of the employees so kindly took pictures with each of our camera. The battery of my camera died so I wasn't able to take anymore pictures. This was good though.
They had give aways this evening too. I won some shampoo and conditioner that Mindi donated. Thank you Mindi, I have been enjoying them.
Speaking of being a winner. I forgot to mention that another breeder had shirts and hats made that she gave to each of us. Someone also donated Lupine collars and I won one. Again, I feel badly that I don't remember who. I think it might have been Alisa that donated them.
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