Friday, July 07, 2006

Duchess' puppies got temporary names today! They are Loius Armstrong, Frankie Valli, Buddy Holly, Little Richard and Petula Clark. The ones that are going in guardian homes are Princessa and The King. They also got their micro chips. They had baths and some of them got their pictures taken. It was a very big day for them. I was going to take all their pictures and update the website but I kept getting interrupted and ran out of daylight before I could get 'er done. Here is a picture of Jill and Buddy Holly.

Aren't they just cute as can be?

Shawny got a new guardian family. He is moving Saturday. He is joining a family who met and fell in love with him at the last Doodle Romp. They were so excited to be getting him. The mom came over this evening.

Francie came over this evening. She is getting so big. She weighs 33 pounds. She is also retaining her true red color. That is so exciting. She is old enough now to have her health testing done. Too bad I'm too broke to have it done. She is very friendly and confident and um, outgoing. She will do very well with the job of having puppies and all that it entails.

Well I better go get busy. A family is coming tomorrow to look at Mera's puppies.

1 comment:

Teri.p said...

Awwwwwww, they're so cute!