Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The puppies escaped! The puppies escaped! No, really it was no big deal. This morning I was having a nice, rare, leisurely (how do you use the stupid spell check in this? I click on the spell button but nothing happens)chat on the phone when a good neighbor beeped in and said I had black puppies that were escaping. I practically hung up on my friend (sorry Kim) and ran outside only to find that two of the puppies were going back and forth under the gate. They were staying within a couple of feet of the fence. Whew, it was no big deal...yet. The way Good Neighbor was talking, I was afraid the puppies were running over in to Crazy Neighbor's yard. Well, back in the smaller fenced in area for these puppies. These guys are getting to that point where it is going to be harder to give them up now. They are sleeping through the night and they don't poo in the crate. They are cool.

Oh I almost forgot. I was supposed to give a report on how The Professor did last night with Kori in the crate. He did splendidly. He did not cry, whimper, pee, or anything but sleep and rest quietly. He gets an "A".

Here are Duchess' puppies. They are at that big-eyed "what is going on?" stage.
They are just cute as can be.

Tonight Gilligan gets to sleep in the crate in the living room with Kori.

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