Tuesday, July 11, 2006

There is some Lincoln Manor Doodle Lovin' goin' on. Well, at least Meeko is trying his best anyway. This afternoon Rosie's guardian mom called to say they took Rosie to the groomer and the groomer called them to report that she (Rosie, not the groomer) is in heat. Aparently Rosie is very clean so they don't know how long she has been cycling. I had hoped to use either a red boy from Ohio, or a different red boy from the west coast. However, it looks like we need a boy now. I called Meeko and he was more then happy and ready to stand in. We may not get red puppies this time, but we will get beautiful puppies with the most excellent hips ever. Meeko has been chasing Rosie around ever since she got here this evening. She is getting closer and closer to letting him do the deed.

It is a rainy day. The pups and Kori have been cooped up inside all day with only short potty breaks. Look at how dirty Kori managed to get in only about three minutes.
She does love playing in the mud and water.

Oh dear, speaking of mud and water. Rosie went to the groomer today. It is all muddy and rainy here. Hope she can stay clean. Meeko is white. Hope he manages to stay clean to.

My baby my baby my baby....I can't believe I let my baby go spend the night with somebody else. Francie (the Rosie/Carpenter girl we kept for breeding and is in a guardian home) has diarrhea and her guardian mom came to get some medicine for her. I know how much she likes Velvet so I asked if she would take Velvet for a few days while Meeko and Rosie are here breeding. It didn't take any arm twisting to get her (her name is Liz) to take Velvet. Velvet hesitated for only a second then she bolted out the door with Liz. I watched out the window as they drove off. About 1/2 later I called Liz's mom. Her mom is Ally, Chloe and Chevy's guardian mom. I wanted to whine to her about her baby having my baby. ooo...that looks wrong in print.... She offered to bring Velvet back, but that wasn't necessary. It is only for a few days. I'll survive. I wonder if she misses me?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Jane,

Just to let you know I LOVE your new format! The pix are fun too, looking sharp and crisp. My lil' red stud muffin Rudy, out of TP Shiraz and TP Casper, should be just the fella for Rosie, if you're interested, next time :o)
(Tests to be done in Dec., at one year).